Smoky Eye Funny Meme Close Enough

When things turn for the worse, people find solace in memes.

Or at least that's what most of the world started doing to deal with the effects of pandemic lockdowns. (Apart from learning the Greek alphabets, such as omicron, of course!)

The result?

Tons of rib-tickling remote work memes!

Here we have compiled a list of 30 of the best remote work memes you can laugh at together with your colleagues. Let's go.

30 Hilarious Memes to Summarize Remote Working in 2021

COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown and social distancing measures greatly impacted how we work.

While some employers and employees were initially reluctant, they took the remote work route.

However, it wasn't all smooth sailing.

Some of the major challenges that a remote employee faced while working from home for the first time include:

  • Improper work set up.
  • Unstable internet connection.
  • Learning to use new technologies.
  • Dealing with the air of distraction in the house.
  • Managing work, kids, pets, and more.
  • Blurred lines between personal and professional lives.

And, of course, reduced human interaction, which led to the rise of video conferencing tools like Zoom to keep the communication lines open.

Similarly, people came up with ways to bridge this gap between the remote and physical world.

Some turned out to be great hacks; others resulted in epic fails – giving us memories to laugh at. And quickly, these relatable moments filled our social media in the form of memes.

So, we've combed through the internet to find the best work from home memes for you.

We hope you enjoy them! (Don't forget to share your new WFH memes with us).

1. When Expectations Meet Reality

The world went into lockdown, and everyone was excited until things turned real.

Let's see how things turned out for most of us:

A. Not All Dreams Come True

Not all dreams come true. Remote work

(Source: Instagram )

This happy-sad girl meme perfectly showcases the contrast between the pre and ongoing pandemic emotions.

While the thought of working from home seemed appealing before the Coronavirus pandemic, it is not so anymore.

B. So Your Inner Voice Steps In To Be Your Guiding Light

remote work- inner voice

(Source: Meme )

When things get confusing, your inner voice can help you find your way.

We mean, some constructive criticism can be helpful too.

After all, you are your biggest critic!

C. But Soon, You Lost Track Of Things, Again!

Remote Work Loosing Track of things

(Source: )

This can happen when your lazy self decides to work from the couch.
12 minutes later… you're taking a quick nap.

D. It's Time For Some Self-Talk Sessions

Remote Work Self Talk

(Source: Facebook )

Now, if only those self-talks worked!

Till then, maybe this WFH meme applies to all of us working in a remote team.

2. What's Work-Life Balance?

Studies say remote workers are still trying to find an answer to this question… in work from home memes!

A. Smoky Eyes Or Dark Circles?

Before After Remote Work

(Source: Buzzfeed )

Remember those days when dolls used to bring joy?

Yeah, neither do we.

Because we now have to juggle between work and personal responsibilities, and it can be hard to draw a fine line between them.

B. Just Multitask Things Away

Remote Work Expectations vs reality

(Source: Twitter )

You thought you would complete your work in time and treat yourself to a nice meal.


You're now just multitasking everything.

But hey, look at the bright side. You've now unleashed the power of multitasking!

C. At Least, At Some Point, You'll Find Yourself Doing Some Work

Working remotely meme

(Source: Highland )

This actually nicely sums up the entire work day of a remote job worker.

Crazy how some of us thought, at one point, that we'd be working diligently.

3. Audio Only vs. Video Only

The best thing about a virtual meeting is that you can turn off the camera and pretend you're well-groomed for the meeting.

A. When You Accidentally Turn On The Camera During A Conference Call

Remote work conference call

(Source: Facebook )


Don't worry. Nothing that a slight camera angle adjustment can't fix.

But we do recommend taking that shower you've been postponing for two days.

B. We All Have Our Good And Bad Days

Remote Zoom meeting Audio Video

(Source: Funvizeo )

This well-groomed doggo reminds us of the power of styling products.

A little bit of self-pampering can go a long way.

C. Use Good Days To Have Some Fun

Conference Call Bingo

(Source: Pinterest )

And while you've decided to dress up, why not attend the Zoom meeting with video-on.

You can even use this Zoom meme bingo to make things fun!

4. I Need Caffeine!

Who doesn't at this point?

A. After All, It's Our Only Hope

Remote work coffee

(Source: Pinterest )

This is easily the best work from home meme.

Why, you ask?

Well, it's coffee and Star Wars!

Strong with this one, the coffee is.

B. But Is It Too Early?

Remote Work Meme

(Source: Pinterest )

Perspective is a beautiful thing. It makes few people see remote work as an opportunity to binge Netflix and some drinking while binging Netflix.

I guess we found the answer to "What happens when you use 100% of your brain".

(That's another funny meme for another day.)

C. Till Then, Watch Your Intake

WFH Day 1 vs Day5

(Source: Memezila )

Well, if the mighty Thor can't handle too much caffeine, then what chance do we humans have. So, let's not put our health on the sideline and monitor our caffeine intake.

Because there is another side to this pandemic, we hope to make it through as the best possible version of ourselves.

Brighten your workday with some totally relatable remote work memes that you can share with your colleagues and friends. Click To Tweet

5. Distractions, Distractions Everywhere!

What were we saying?

Apologies, we got distracted.

A. A few moments later…

Conference call distractions

(Source: Swag Captions )

Don't get us wrong. Kids are fun to be around, except when they interrupt your video call by making such comical faces.

Our advice: Put that latch on the door.

This can be a great practice of separating personal and professional lives. You can work from your home office with your entire focus and wrap things in time. And then go about your daily routine.

B. You Can Also Put A Do Not Disturb Sign

Remote Work DND

(Source: Imgur )

We don't know who this person is, but they sure make a valid point.

When you have the attention span of the Minions, you should have your priorities set right. In this case, only fire, pizza, and a zombie apocalypse should detract you from work.

Guess who's going to win the most productive employee of the day award?

C. While We're On The Topic Of Productivity

Remote Work Loosing Track of Time

(Source: iFunny )

Honestly, we think we've all been there.

We thought we'd worked for an entire hour only to realize that we were scrolling through social media in search of funny memes. And here we are with only 13 minutes of work done.

Wait, is that what you're doing right now? *Gasps*

D. Here's Something Interesting

Remote Work Distractions

(Source: meme )

We love this remote work version of this popular meme template.

Because it's simple and true.

When you're working from home, you might have kids or pets around or even a coworker or friend with whom you share your apartment.

You might even get some visitors during the day!

It all comes down to one thing: DISTRACTION.

6. What Day is it Today?


Why the blank space?

Because even we're not sure anymore.

A. Your Overgrown Beard Might Be The Answer

Loose Track of Day

(Source: Make a Meme )

This hilarious work from home meme might look like a picture from No-shave November. However, let's face it, November is long gone.

You've been a responsible citizen and done your part, but now it's time to groom that beard, mate!

B. Still Not Sure…

Meme Remote Work Loose track

(Source: Make a meme )

Ever since we started our work from home job, remembering what day it is has gotten just so confusing, hasn't it? We feel you!

Wednesdays feel like Fridays, and Fridays feel like Mondays.

Does that mean it's Friday blues now?

7. You're My Favourite Hooman

Turns out it wasn't only us who wished to work from the comforts of our home.

A. For A Different Reason Though

Remote Work Pets

(Source: Remote Tools)

Remember when we thought the lockdowns would last for only a month, and suddenly it's 2022.

While it was good news for our pets because they get to be around their favorite hooman, it's not so much for some of us.

We're just waiting to skip to the good part.

B. Cute Faces Count As Good Part, Right?

Remote Work Pets

(Source: Meme )


How do you say no to that adorable face? (and paws!)

C. Or To This Don't-Care Attitude

(GIF Source: Gif-Vif )

A little determination can go a long way.

What if this doesn't work?

D. I'll Just Sleep Here

Remote work - no distractions

(Source: Actioned )

'They' is absolutely right. Because when a cat decides it's nap time and this is the perfect place, then no one, we repeat, no one can stop them.

It's a cat's world we live in!

Brighten your workday with some totally relatable remote work memes that you can share with your colleagues and friends. Click To Tweet

8. When Everyday is Casual Friday

For some of us, a good thing to come out of remote jobs is the power to work with no pants on.

Every cloud has a silver lining indeed.

A. Hello There!

Remote work clothes

(Source: Pinterest )

Oversized t-shirts and PJs!

Aren't they the most comfortable clothes on the face of the earth?

And you can still get your work done.

We don't see how that can be a problem for anyone. Do you?

B. Sounds Like A Good Enough Reason

Remote Work Sweatpants

Sweatpants? Check.

Hey! This is a judging-free zone.

C. Can Virtual Outfits Be The Answer To All Our Problems?

Virtual Work Outfits

(Source: Man of Many)

Zoom background already emerged as a savior to make up for our messy home.

Now you need virtual outfits?

Even technology has its limit.

Hold that thought, though! You never know…

D. For Now, Let's Appreciate

Remote Work Casual Friday

(Source: Meme )

From having Monday blues to casual Friday every day, somewhere, we all adapted to remote work in our own ways.

But on a serious note, step away from sweatpants and follow an office dress code for your next meeting.

9. You Got Any More of That Tech Support?

Remote work introduced us to a lot of tools. Some we were pro at and…

A. Some Not So Much

Remote work Sharing Wrong Screen

(Source: Ahseeit )

We all have our *eee* moments!

But sharing the wrong screen during a Zoom call can be an irredeemable move, especially if you were watching one of those "guilty pleasure" movies on Netflix. And you forgot to close the tab. *eee*

B. Made Some Silly Mistakes Too

Incomplete Email meme

(Source: Time Doctor Instagram )

Let's admit it; we've all forgotten to add the attachment file.

Thank Gmail, for the undo email button.

But the question is, did you remember about the file to revert the email in time?

C. But All Worked Out At The End

Remote work Tech Meme

(Source: Meme Generator )

This is equivalent to smacking an electronic device to get it working. And while the logic flew out of the window, this does seem to work every time.

So, next time you're struggling with a tool. Just shout at it.
Worst case, you'll relieve some of that pent-up stress.

Since we're on the topic of technology, why not use a powerful tool to be at your productive best — even when working remotely?

Make The Best of Remote Work with Time Doctor

While memes can be a great stress buster, they can easily make you distracted.

And before you realize it, you've spent too much time away from work!


Manage Your Time when working remotely

(Source: Time Doctor Instagram )

Time tracking tools like Time Doctor can not only save you from spiraling into the meme world but also provide valuable insights to boost individual productivity.

Time Doctor is a robust employee productivity and time management tool that comes with tons of advanced features.

For instance, its distraction alerts feature sends a popup when it detects you're spending excess time on non-work-related sites (read: your favorite meme page) or the computer sits idle for too long during working hours.

This time management software also creates comprehensive productivity reports that allow you to view your time use stats and quickly take action to eliminate any time-wasting behavior.

Loving these features now, are we?

Check out other useful Time Doctor's features here .

You're Going To Make it Through!

Some wise man said, "Laughter is the best medicine".

And we can only heartily agree.

While looking at funny work related memes doesn't qualify as work, it sure can relieve stress in these challenging times.

Remember, this too shall pass. So we need to take care of ourselves to come out better than ever to cruise through the post-COVID world.

Until then, enjoy this lighthearted content of our favorite work from home memes. Adios!

Try Time Doctor Free for 14 days

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